What happens if you dont do this is you launch the game, autoexec runs, and then the game overrides the autoexec with these binds. Mainly the binds the autoexec might conflict with. You do this by left clicking the bind, and then right-clicking it. Another command I think everyone should know is the range finder conenable '1' bind 'f12' 'toggleconsole' 6.

basically it allow you to use the same timing, etc for denying as for last-hitting (you dont need to manually press 'A') which makes denying so much easier.
How do I change video settings in Dota 2 How to access Dota 2’s Launch. Put this in your autoexec.cfg: dotaforcerightclickattack 1. Adjust Set Launch Option On Steam Client.

net graph displays info such as ping and frame rate, but covers a large portion of the screen How do I make Dota 2 run smoother Tips to Optimize Dota 2 Graphics To Run in 60 FPS Turn off V-Sync, Shadow, dan Anti-Aliasing. adds range circles to skills while casting hover over minimap for 1 seconds to move This console command will prevent you from accidentally right clicking on the minimap in the heat of an escape and start running the wrong wayīelow I'll list the commands I use, and descriptions of each one. txt document named 'autoexec.txt' open it with notepad and 'File>Save As.' autoexec.cfg (at the bottom, make sure 'save as type' is set to 'all files' instead of '.txt document')Īnything you put into this document will automatically run when you boot up the game. Keep in mind that most of the settings altered by your autoexec.cfg file or even the temporary settings done via ingame menu will be set back to default. Your current config.cfg will be altered by your settings ingame though. The dev console allows the user to create an advanced configuration of game settings, using options not listed within the game's. First off head to: Steamsteamappscommondota 2 betadotacfg You might already know that but theres your config.cfg. Navigate to 'C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg' and make a new. Console Commands are options accessible via the Developer Console. For more advanced users you may want to skip to the bottom. This is the folder where your autoexec file needs to be located. Once you’ve click that you need to go inside of the tf folder and inside of that cfg. You can use an autoexec.cfg file to automate it. Answer (1 of 9): There are various ways you can increase performance in Dota 2, lets start with the easy ones. Right click on Team Fortress 2, click PROPERTIES and then click on LOCAL FILES at the top and lastly BROWSE LOCAL FILES. which it didnt so i had to add -console to game proprieties, and also force deny creeps with right click. There's no sense in typing them all in every game. alias 'bearphaseboots' 'dotaselectallothers dotaitemexecute 0 +dotacamerafollow +dotacontrolgroup 1' bind 'x' 'bearreturn' bind 'z' 'bearphaseboots' so ofc the autoexec should enable my console. I noticed a lot of people had some issues with console commands.